Friday, December 20, 2013

December Outreach

December Outreach

For 4 cold days in December the OSCEB students organized a proxy station about Christmas in the center of Bucuresti. 

We stopped students to ask them to take a quick test to see what Character of Christmas they most represented (the Grinch, Santa Claus, Rudolf or the Magi)

Then the students would put a sticker in one of the 4 characters

Most people who took the test ended up as Santa, meaning Christmas to them was a time to be with family & friends and lots of Christmas parties

Then we would engage the students in a discussion about the true meaning of Christmas

 Many of the students enjoyed talking and many knew that the birth of Christ was the reason for Christmas, but they saw no connection with this to their own life.  Most Romanians still see Christmas as a religious holiday and most know the meaning of the holiday.  We find many students open to talking at Christmas and Easter about a spiritual subject. But then when you want to go deeper into what does the Bible say and about faith in Christ, most respond that these are things they will think about when they are older.

On Monday night we invited students to come to a Christmas concert held in a lecture hall in the literature university.  A group from our church led the singing and did a very good job.

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